Cherry Laurel

Cherry Laurel (Prunus caroliniana)
Cherry Laurel (Prunus caroliniana)

Common Name:  Cherry Laurel aka Carolina laurelcherry

Latin NamePrunus caroliniana


Habit: Cherry laurel is a native, evergreen, tree that grows to 35 feet in height.

It is native to Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas.

It grows in zones 7a to 10b.

Leaves:  Evergreen, alternate and simple with a leathery texture.  Leaf margins generally have small teeth, however some may not.

Flowers:  White, fragrant, flowers appear in racemes in late winter and early spring.

Fruit: A shiny, black purple drupe containing one large pit / seed.

Habitat:  Open hammocks, disturbed sites, and fence rows where birds deposit seeds.

Landscape:  It grows in full sun to part shade with average to moist soils.

Wildlife use:  Bees and butterflies use the flowers as a nectar source. Songbirds and mammals eat the dark purple fruit. 

Cherry Laurel (Prunus caroliniana)
Cherry Laurel (Prunus caroliniana)
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