Support Me

One of my favorite things in life is sharing my knowledge and experience about the wildlife that surrounds us with like-minded nature enthusiasts. My website is a reflection of my appreciation for all who are a part of it, no matter their genus or species. I started out as a wildlife rehabilitator, but got burned out pretty quickly. The hardships visited on animals is a stressful thing to have to deal with daily so I decided to help them in another way … by teaching people about the native plants and ecosystems used by our wonderful wildlife, and also by showcasing their beauty in photographs and videos. Along the way I began a hobby of collecting and sharing seeds at the many native plant meetings I was a part of and I now specialize in Florida ecotype seed sales. I am so filled with pride to be able to share some very hard to find seeds with my followers.

I created this page to aggregate some of my various product offerings and also to make a simple but sincere request that if you find value in any of it that you click through and make a purchase in a show of support of my efforts. I had, until recently, been using my Amazon affiliate linking on my site, as a very modest source of revenue, but Amazon broke that program at the beginning of this year and to be quite honest I have lost all remaining patience with Amazon and will not be starting over with that program.

My deep appreciation for you does not depend on whether you purchase anything from me; I just want to be clear about that. However, if you do wish to support my ongoing efforts to bring relevant and, hopefully, enjoyable information to you both here and via your inbox, and you have the means to do so, I encourage you to check out my book, articles and stores you see linked below.

My site is ad-free, and will remain so. You are never tracked or spammed as the result of visiting. That is not going to change; I promised that in the beginning and I will not break that promise to you. I am very proud that I have never compromised my goal of providing meaningful information to my loyal followers, without resorting to the on-page or push advertising that often acts as a wall between visitors and the content they seek. You have probably already run into enough of that today at other websites and I want SharonsFlorida to be a refuge for you from the status quo.

My sincere thanks to you for visiting, your lovely encouraging emails, and your ongoing readership and support. I wish you only the very best.

Enjoy your green space!

Sharon LaPlante

Here are my Etsy PDF purchase to print on demand articles for $3.99.
If you click on the picture it will take you to the details regarding
payment and downloading. Thank you for your support!

Please visit SharonsFlorida at Ebay and Etsy.
Specializing in Florida Ecotype Seeds

                    Buy me a coffee. This is our PayPal donate button… it is registered in my husband, Mike’s name but trust me… he’ll never see it. LOL  (Our secret)

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