In February violets start flowering all throughout central Florida and produce lots of lovely flowers and beautiful leaves. They are at their peak of freshness at the same time meadow garlic reappears with its brilliant green leaves.
Both are found in moist sites. Violet occurs mostly in hammocks, and meadow garlic in hammocks and disturbed sites like roadsides. Occasionally they can be found growing near by each other. They are a perfect combination for making savory pancakes
common blue violets (Viola sororia)
meadow garlic (Allum canadense var. canadense)
Collect your wild edibles and rinse in cold water to remove any debris. Remove excess moisture with a salad spinner.
In a mixing bowl beat eggs until well blended, add the Parmesan cheese, cottage cheese, oil, salt and pepper. Set aside.
Rough chop the washed and dried violets and garlic. Add these to your egg and cheese mixture and mix until thoroughly combined.
Viola sororia
Violet and Meadow Garlic Pancakes
4 cups loosely packed violet leaves, stems, and flowers small handful of meadow garlic (about 24 stalks) 1 Tablespoon of oil ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese ½ cup of cottage cheese 2 beaten eggs Salt and pepper to taste
Heat a skillet on medium heat until well heated.
Drop a heaping tablespoon of the mixture onto the hot skillet and flatten slightly with the back of a spoon. Cook 2 – 4 minutes per side on medium heat.
Serve while hot with condiments such as sour cream or cottage cheese.