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pied billed grebe, alligator, and Muscovy duck
tropical checkered skipper
vanilla plant (Carphephorus odoratissimus)
black Vultures
juvenile green heron fishing
sunrise on lake lowery in Haines City Florida
black racer snake eggs
Asclepias tuberosa
bulltongue arrowhead (Sagittaria lancifolia ssp lancifolia)
baby northern parula
opossum on the trail cam
gulf fritillary butterfly
longtailed skipper nectaring on a porterweed flower
turtles on a dock sunning
coopers hawk hunting
monarch catperillar turning into a chrysalis
tiger swallowtail nectaring on a bougainvillea
strapleaf sunflower
Canna flaccida
Balduina angustifolia
tread softly (Cnidosculous stimulosus)
Carolina elephants foot
sleepy orange butterfly laying eggs on a senna plant
Ageratina jucunda
oak toad
julia caterpillar eating a passionvine leaf
eastern mud snake
netleaf leather-flower (Clematis reticulata)
Bacopa caroliniana
Asclepias humistrata
florida cricket frog
Anhinga perched on dock drying its wings after a morning spent underwater
male cardinal resting near cabbage palms
Monarch Butterfly resting on Bougainvillea
monarch caterpillar eating milkweed leaves
yellow rumped warblers eating fruit
box turtle laying eggs
orange sunset on lake lowery
squirrels having fun
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