Lupinus diffusus
(Sky-blue Lupine)

Lupinus diffusus (sky-blue lupine)
Lupinus diffusus (sky-blue lupine)

Common Names

Oak ridge lupine, skyblue lupine, and spreading lupine.

Latin Name

Lupinus diffusus


It is found in the Fabaceae, or bean, family.  


A perennial wildflower that grows in clumps and when in bloom may reach a height of around three feet.

Lupinus diffusus (sky-blue lupine)
Lupinus diffusus (sky-blue lupine)


The leaves are thick and velvety.  They are stalked, have entire margins, and are ovate to elliptic in shape. 

Lupinus diffusus (sky-blue lupine)
Lupinus diffusus (sky-blue lupine)


The flowers appear in the late winter and early spring.  They are sky blue in color and pea flower shaped.

Lupinus diffusus (sky-blue lupine)
Lupinus diffusus (sky-blue lupine)


It grows in sandhills, pinelands, scrub, and dry forests in open areas of the canopy.

Native Range

It is native to the following states: AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, and SC.

Landscape Use

It is not a good candidate for home landscape use because it is notoriously difficult to start from seed (it needs to be direct sown) and needs a specific type of habitat to thrive.

Wildlife Uses

The flowers attract pollinators such as butterflies, bees, beetles and wasps. 

The seeds are eaten by songbirds and gamebirds.

It is the larval food for the genista broom moth (Uresiphita reversalis).


It is best to purchase from a native nursery, but even then if the roots are too disturbed during planting the plant will not survive.

It can be grown from seed if sown directly in the ground, but it is notoriously difficult.

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